The 10 Most Important Pregnancy Exercise Tips You Will Ever Read

1. pregnant exercise How much?

Pregnant women are often asked if it is safe to exercise during pregnant exercise , and if so , how much is too much? As long as you have clearance from your doctor (which means that you have a healthy pregnant exercise and normal) , you can do more things before getting pregnant . The only exercises to avoid are where they may fall and potentially harm your baby (ie , such as skating , cycling, skiing , etc. . ) Pay attention to your body. If ever you feel lightheaded , dizzy or short of breath , stop what you are doing, sit down and drink water. If you listen to your body, you may not get to that point. Just think of all the benefits of exercise , more energy, healthy weight gain , sleep better, and you lose the baby weight so fast!

Two . pregnant exercise weight lifting exercise

I asked several times if it is okay to lift weights when you're pregnant . As long as you have given your approval to the unit from your doctor, you can follow the exercises you did before you became pregnant. Of course , you should avoid heavy lifting. Be sure to listen to your body. If something feels uncomfortable stop what you're doing .

Here is a great exercise to tone your shoulders : Stand with shoulder width feet , knees slightly bent , hidden under , and chest and pelvis upright. Place a weight in each hand and stand with your arms stretched over her thighs. Keep your arms straight (only a slight bend at the elbow ), lift your arms so that your arms are parallel to the floor and wrists are aligned with your shoulders. For best results, use 2-3 pound weights and work up to 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions .

Three . The emotions you feel pregnant exercise First Trimester
When you are pregnant, it is likely to experience all kinds of emotions , especially as your belly grows . At first, you may experience fear, " is that the baby is fine , will I be a good mother ? " You can also experience the excitement and joy , and regret that it happened early. Whatever you have , you are not alone . I recommend that you join a support group for new moms you can share your experiences and feel supported along the way.

April . pregnant exercise Nutrition for your baby

So many pregnant women worry that they will win a lot of weight and never lose . Some even count calories . This is not the time to diet . The key is to concentrate on feeding your baby and yourself. Show your beautiful baby in your arms . The food you eat will help your baby grow , so eat when hungry and elect foods like breads, cereals, pasta , fruits and green leafy vegetables .

May . pregnant exercise firm buttocks
Who says you can not tone your booty when you're pregnant ? Here is a simple exercise you can do to strengthen the glutes . Waiting standing in the back of a chair. Extend your right leg back , pointing his right foot and touch the floor . Inhale and exhale lift the right leg up as high as you can without leaning forward . When lifting the buttocks tighten leg . Work up to 3 sets on each side -10 slow elevators , 10 sec , 10 lifts slow.

June . pregnant exercise - Eat healthy snacks

When you are pregnant , there may be times when you ate a few hours ago and still hungry. Listen to your body and eat ! Simply choose healthy snacks like a handful of Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal or carrots , grapes or cheese. When you listen to your body, you feed yourself and your baby , and that means you will have more energy, better mood, and you lose the baby weight quickly.

July . pregnant exercise toning the thighs
This is a simple pregnant exercise you can do to tone the quadriceps ( thigh) and inner thighs . I call the exercise " Squat and sweep. " How motion : Hold the back of a chair with your feet about 3-4 feet apart and toes turned slightly forward. Bend your knees crushed squat ( make sure your knees do not go over your toe) and keep your back straight , head up . Pressing again to get your weight to the left leg and slide your right foot on the ground (ie , "sweep " ) to pass through the left support leg . Exploration along his right foot crushed in a squat . When pressed to rise , sweep left foot on the right leg. Repeat 10-20 reps on each side.

August . pregnant exercise Nutrition -Fuel Your Body !

When you are pregnant , it is very important that you focus on feeding you and your baby . By listening to your body and eat healthy food there is no need to worry about gaining excess weight is hard to lose. Always carry healthy snacks with you to avoid getting too hungry . Prego go my favorite snacks are nuts, raisins, walnuts and raisins ( they are all delicious !) , Cereal bar and cheese.

9. pregnant exercise -pool

When summer comes , it's hot and it's the perfect excuse for pregnant women to be in the pool! Swimming is ideal for pregnant women because it feels light and dynamic. Try this simple exercise to tone inner and outer thighs . Standing in the underpass or jump your feet apart slightly and put your feet together . Work up to 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Between the two sets of foot from one side to another pregnant exercise.

10 . pregnant exercise calm their fears to have a second baby

When you become pregnant a second time , you may wonder , "How can I take care of two when a child is difficult pregnant exercise? " Or "How will I be able to spend time with my first son "pregnant exercise"?" Or "Am I going to love this baby as much as the first ? " and mother of two children , I can say I had the same fears "pregnant exercise" . However, after my second baby was all so much easier! Because it has the experience of having a baby before, is more relaxed and thus enjoy all phases. Yes, even the sleepless nights were faster because I was more relaxed and knew it was only temporary . The first child always gets lots of attention and learn to share and " take care" of another person he or she wants. And so love your second child as much , not even question that I love you more , not much room in mothers heart . With a mother who was not sure of not having both , I have to say it was one of the best decisions I ever made (pregnant exercise) .