5 Singing Posture Exercises

   Singing requires immense control over your breathing and posture exercises, and if one of them is insufficient, seriously affect your singing skills . posture exercises sing before an audience must be perfect to perform with confidence and flawless, if your posture exercises is bad, your song or performance will be adversely affected posture exercises. So given below are five exercises singing posture exercises to be done in conjunction with regular breathing exercises . Once you've mastered these techniques posture exercises, you can sing freely with confidence above is second nature to you.

   1. Stand with your back against the wall, feet 2 inches away from him . Press your lower back against the wall and keep your head level . Meta buttocks , chest must come now , with your shoulders back , proper alignment is singing .

Remember that if your position is full or too stiff, the iris is locked and requires proper breathing for singing the use will prevent or expired.

  2. When you exercise breathing , place one hand on your chest and the other in the abdomen to inhale and exhale the chest should remain stable if inhaled and feel your chest rise , means that you are creating tension in the chest and neck, hinder your performance . Furthermore, while inhaling and exhaling , you should feel your abdomen expand and back, which is the correct posture exercises  for singing posture exercises.

  3. Rise and collapse , release the neck to your back can remain flexible breathing. Note that when you inhale , your stomach will come out and the lower back is opened. Try to leave the ribs near exhale slowly instead of immediately collapse posture exercises.

  4. Stand with your feet apart posture exercises, one foot slightly in front of the other. Lean slightly defensive as if pulling a rope , do not forget to be rigid , but firmly rooted . Then sing a " dah " scale and feel the difference it creates in your voice , you will feel to be bigger and more intense and urgent. Learn this technique and practice , not every position.

  5. Place a large book of average weight on top of her head with his chin , eyes, forehead and neck and shoulders relaxed , move your head from left to center and right center , if your movements are fluid and position level, book does not fall. Practice until you perfect it. In addition, placing the book on the top center of the head and up and down the corridor , the book should not fall . This helps achieve the ideal singing and living day to day posture exercises .