3 Lower Back Exercises For Women

   Lower back exercises for women are important to keep your back strong and pain free . Did you know that 50 % of all U.S. workers experience back pain symptoms each year? Or back pain is one of the main reasons for missing work ? Back pain is serious and should not be treated lightly. To keep your back to get low , it is important to exercise regularly. The back is a part of the soul must remain strong in order to promote good posture in the body. Also, if you are working or planning to launch a new training program , be sure to include lower back exercises for women .

lower back exercises for women Chin -Up

  Exercise chin - up is a big step that will help strengthen the upper back or lats . Biceps, middle back and forearms are also used for this exercise . To perform a chin-up :

· Enter a pull up bar with palms facing you and place the slightly narrower than the width of the shoulders hands.
· Keep the trunk as straight as possible with his chest out , you exhale and bring your head to the drawbar up. ( Focus on using your biceps to pull your body)
· Slowly lower to the starting position .
· Repeat for as many repetitions as you want.

lower back exercises for women Over barbell row

This decision will strengthen the middle of the back and biceps , lats and shoulers are also involved in this exercise . To perform bent over barbell rows lower back exercises for women:

· Hold a dumbbell with palms down , keep a slight bend in your knees and bend at the waist keeping your arms perpendicular to the floor.
· Exhale , lift the weights toward your body , keeping your elbows close to your body .
· Reduce Inhale , and the bar slowly to starting position .
· Repeat for as many repetitions as you want.

lower back exercises for women Barbell Deadlift

  The deadlift is one of my favorite lower back exercises for women. Even if it is the lower back, which is basically a full body exercise as it also works the calves, buttocks , forearms , back, middle back , hamstrings, quads and traps. To perform a dumbbell deadlift lower back exercises for women:

· Stand in front of the bar with weight. (Adding weight, which is optional, especially for beginners )
· Keep your back straight , knees bent and lean to grab the bar with an overhand grip knees , hands shoulder width on . If you are not comfortable , try another outlet (one hand on a sub) .
· Exhale and push with your legs to a standing position lower back exercises for women, keeping the torso straight , chest and shoulders back lower back exercises for women.
· To return to the starting position , bend your knees while the upper body leaning forward , but keeping your back straight . He has completed a representative in which the weight of the earth .
· Repeat for the representatives lower back exercises for women.
Always make sure you have proper form when performing these lower back exercises for women for the back, to prevent injury lower back exercises for women. Start with a relatively light and gradually move from there weight.