5 Best Lower Abdominal Exercises for Men

The need for lower abdominal exercises

  Today, the round belly is no longer considered a good character . People looking to have either a zero or a region Figure trunk full six pack abs . The six pack is a symbol of high fitness levels and offers a great look for someone with high measures of biceps , triceps and networks. Abdominal exercises abdominal training is particularly low are really tough , a lot of effort is required and diet - you should avoid special fats that contain fat as much as possible and keep all miles away from junk food .

  Here are some lower abdominal exercises for men and remember, these exercises should be done systematically.

  Bicycle Crunches lower abdominal exercises : First, let's talk about the bicycle crunches . This is a great lower abdominal exercise for men. To do this , you sit on the floor with his face toward the ceiling. The legs are bent and the head is raised and maintained by the arms. Then the right leg and left elbow close to pushing forward to get in touch with him, while the other leg is straightened . Do the same with the left leg , this time , the right elbow approach. This process is repeated until the breath is lost lower abdominal exercises .

  Turn and crises lower abdominal exercises : Then we come to one of the best abdominal exercises. Lying should bend the leg . Then the hip should be tweaked a bit and use the right abdominal part of the body is raised and the right elbow is enabled. In the tower of the nest, the left elbow is also doing the same. This operation is repeated several times lower abdominal exercises . The result is a very good abdominal development lower abdominal exercises .

  Double leg reverse crises : for that, standing in the back and make the body parallel to the ground . Then your legs are elevated and the knee bends . The hands are kept below the hip. Then slowly lowered her heels a few inches off the ground and held in this position for some time. Again, the legs are raised to their initial position lower abdominal exercises . Again, the same is repeated . This contributes to the development of the lower abdominal exercises  .

  Abs declined: The sit also contribute to the development of lower abs region. It's just like normal sit up, but the leg lift is decreased slightly. This allows for the effect on the lower abdominal exercises  .

  Balls lateral contraction : This is almost the same as normal crisis back against the ball. However, this exercise helps reduce the fat attached to the body and helps build lower abs area too.