Memory Exercises For Everyday

   Yes , you may go through a program to help build the power of the mind and we have some of the best here on our site . However, for those of you who want to have a lighter touch , you can help your memory doing some driving fun with mind games everyday memory exercises.

Here are some ideas to get you going :

   Ask your friend to put some items on a tray and you should try to remember all correctly . Do this by a story - or better yet, do a story on all of them with your friend. It's not cheating ! Each of you take a turn to tell a story that just made the place that connects each object to the next. As you tell the story using your imagination to create a very good picture of what is happening in the story . So it is much easier to remember memory exercises.

   Here is an example of a story about the first three points in a bowl tray when paper and pencil
Person 1: the buffet , there is a large bowl of very high shiny metal ....
Person 2 : John's mother decided it would be good if you have some branches with autumn colors leaves for her

   Person 1: decided it would collect some branches of the park on the way to the supermarket. He took his pen to write your shopping list and she memory exercises...
   Once all objects have been included in the story , eliminate them. Now see if you can remember everything. Then try to do it together to remember the two parties and to help you get all the right of the list .


   These pairs of playing cards as when they were first placed face down. One person at a time returns a map , allowing everyone to see , and then place it on the table, with the side face again. Gradually, the group of players starting to get an idea of ​​where specific numbers or face cards are lying and you can find a couple of correspondence when you play a card in turn memory exercises.

   You can also play with half a deck of cards , removing the two suits first and then use the remaining 24 cards . Once you are upside down , move the cards on the table around so that no one really knows what is in the most memory exercises.

   We are a team of expertise in the field of experts in psychology, brain-based learning, positive mental health and set the memory exercises POWER.WE we are committed to provide the highest quality information in memory exercises to the public. We want to help make a positive difference in the quality of life and standard of welfare for everyone who wants it.