The Most Effective Low Back Exercises To Relieve Back Pain

   Despite what you may think , it is rarely the cause of low back pain where it hurts . Most therapists and people think it is. This is why they want to heat, friction , crunch , vibration and a slice of his most painful part .

   In fact , you can tell how a therapist is to see where they go in search of the cause of pain . Only attack where it hurts sends a large orange light.

   Surprisingly, the low low back exercises pain is just a symptom of some of the bones of the low back exercises are out of alignment . His immediate task is to get back in the lineup. Do that and there is a good chance that the pain will disappear .

   When the vertebrae move out of alignment , the ligaments , tendons and muscles are stretched beyond their pain threshold. The hard core is overthrown and the disc collapses. Often the core of the key spine. This is when the pain really begins . You can not sneeze or cough without feeling that there is a red-hot poker is stuck in the back. You can not bend over the sink to brush your teeth. You can not bend over to put his socks.

 What causes the vertebrae in the low back exercises moves out of alignment ?

   Answer ! If the basin is moved out of alignment , it is likely that the bone above it moved out of alignment as well .

   Trying basin foundation for bones that are above and consider this analogy. If the foundation of your house, then moves the walls are cracked . You can assign or paper over the cracks , but will probably continue to maintain patches and installation of painted paper to the other world . The solution is to support (and squaring ) the basis on which it can not move .

Therefore, the prerequisite for a backbone which is in alignment is a basin which is in alignment .

What causes the pelvis to move out of alignment ?

Answer ! Calf, hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors .

    Which brings us low back exercises to the question of what are the best exercises to relieve low back exercises pain ?

   Answer ! Flexibility exercises affecting the alignment of the pelvis , especially exercises that fall outside of the calf , hamstrings, glutes and hip flexors .

   But this is not the whole story . It is also necessary to strengthen the entire ecosystem of musculoskeletal disorders regularly go to the gym and work - or if you object to weight lifting to start a training program on a regular and systematic home including crunches, press-ups , squats and Superman low back exercises post.

It makes sense to have a strong enough body to keep the bones of the spine in proper alignment .

   Interestingly one of the best predictors of risk of low back exercises pain is the ability to pressups . While they pressups muscles of the trunk are all enhanced , front, rear and center .

   If you are looking for targets abs and squats pressups 20 each is good, 30 is better and 40 being the best. Superman build curved low back exercises a few minutes of gentle ups and downs without your chest or legs touch the ground.

   The last piece of the puzzle exercises low back exercises is some relaxation exercises to adjust the spine down exercises where you lie on your low back exercises with your legs bent at 90 degrees and legs supported by a pouf . This is known in the trade as the year of the static pressure and lying in this position for 20 minutes will provide temporary relief from low back exercises pain, and in the weeks and months to help the vertebrae gradually get better alignment .

   Another position relaxation by Ottoman is lying on the floor with one leg on the ottoman and the other stretched on the current for 20 minutes - then switch legs . This is the stretch groin while lying down . For 20 minutes, the hip flexor muscles gradually relax and in the weeks and months that will allow your spine to return to a better alignment .

   If you are diligent you will spend hours on the floor every night while watching TV , reading a book or just drifting with the fairies do flexibility exercises and relaxation exercises .

   The strength exercises you can do after you've been for a walk , shuffle , jogging, swimming , cycling ... morning .

   Now , just as Rome was not built in a day , the pain in my low back exercises was not caused by day. For most people going in recent decades , due to poor sitting posture and lack of strength and flexibility exercises . Having 20 or more kg of weight does not help matters .

   Or low back exercises pain can be cured in a day. Depending on the distance of the alignment of the pelvis and previous bones there , it may take a couple of months so that you can experience real relief and up to a year before you can say : "I no longer pain in the lower back.

   But the good news is that if you start doing something now , there is a probability of 80 % to 80 % of people who will gather in good nick 80 % for the year . If you have low back exercises pain are themselves good chances .